Mangalam Borewell casing uPVC pipes are manufactured using its own custom blend of Lead-Free uPVC compound to ensure that desirable physical properties are maintained and that the piping exhibit exceptional consistent quality.

Borewell piping generally fails due to problems like corrosion and encrustation associated with conventional pipes. These problems are totally eliminated in Mangalam casing pipes as our pipes are made from specially developed Lead-Free PVC compounds. Mangalam Borewell casing pipes offer superior performance at a lower cost which makes it the prime choice of the customer. Mangalam borewell casing uPVC Pipes are manufactured using a high-quality Lead-Free uPVC compound to ensure that the pipe exhibits and offers high strength and durability. The use of Lead-free PVC compounds also ensures that they are non-toxic and safe for potable water. A few years ago, the only available option was metal pipes. The inherent disadvantages were corrosion of casing pipes, deterioration of pipes, and formation of bacteria, resulting in abandonment of wells and, even worse, contamination of the water source. Today, modern technology has enabled us to make use of plastic pipes for this application. Mangalam borewell u-PVC casing pipes score tremendously over conventional metal piping because they are tough, do not corrode, and last for years. Mangalam offers varieties of pipes for bore-well applications to cater to every need of the bore-well sector which includes Casing pipes as per IS 12818, Ribbed screen casing pipes for tube wells. Plain pipes, as well as screen (slotted) pipes, are available in every category of casing pipes. Slotted pipes can also be used for rainwater harvesting.
SIZES OF uPVC Pipes: 110mm in Sliding Socket Type as per local requirement & 114mm as per BS3505 Sliding Socket Type & Threaded Type

Feature and Benefits
- Hygienic as manufactured from Lead Free PVC compound
- Manufactured from special PVC compound having extra toughness
- High impact strength
- PVC being an inert material most of the chemicals found in soil and water do not affect the casing
- Corrosion resistance
- Chemical rehabilitation possible when chocking occurs due to encrustation
- Casing available in 110mm (As per local requirement) & 114mm (As per IS : 12818)
- Smooth bore, hence excellent flow properties
- Longer life